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Impact of COVID – 19 on GSI-Food INC Operations.

First detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019, COVID-19 gradually escalated to a pandemic on March 11, 2020.

Many economic and productive sectors have been affected by the spread of the virus, the food industry, the sector where GSI Food operates, is considered key to addressing the pandemic, where food security is presented as one of the challenges to be addressed during the progress of food security.

Since the beginning of the crisis, at GSI Food we started with the crisis management process, anticipating the different impacts that the pandemic could affect the company and adapting our internal processes to the limitations that the gestated situation entails.

It is important to note that we have embraced and accompanied the recommendations and measures proposed by local governments and the World Health Organization regarding the necessary preventions so that the outbreak can be successfully contained. Therefore, we have followed and adapted the daily operations to the requirements of social distancing, at the same time as we have worked to provide support to all our direct collaborators in the current situation.

The measures taken include:

1.- Implementation of compulsory remote work since March 16, 2020 in all our offices, which is not something new for us due to our nature and organization. In this sense, for this moment, the use of the physical offices is only for extraordinary use with prior authorization

2.- Risk reduction plan: Those members of the team who must go to the office or must leave the quarantine for some operational reason, the use of masks and gloves are mandatory. Similarly, a private transport service has been established for all partners to avoid exposure to public transport.

3.- Infection prevention protocols: If any of the collaborators present symptoms or have been in contact with a person diagnosed or under suspicion, the collaborator must be away from the workplace for at least 3 weeks from the date of declaration.

4.- Education and support plans on COVIT-19 and quarantine status: Through our means of contact as a team, we have developed infographics, messages, challenges and incentives based on professional recommendations that help the team to understand more about the Coronavirus and to cope with social distancing measures in their different environments.

In addition, it is important to note that we have similarly designed a financial support plan through extraordinary bonuses to our collaborators. We also have at their disposal a psychological support unit with professionals who are willing to help them cope positively with confinement.

At GSI Food, we are aware of the moment we are living, however, and following with our philosophy, we always seek to be the best version of us, even if it is time of remainders. We focus on always having as a north our mission that is focused on maintaining the well-being of our allies and collaborators and with our vision as a guide to be that leader in business development for the food world.