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GSI Food visits PMLA in search of food market trends

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During our visit to PLMA (Private Label Manufacturers Association)  we had the opportunity to learn about what’s new in private brands in the European market. We found a wide variety of traditional products that may be needed, transformed into more organic, bio or eco products and many more vegan and gluten-free food options, as well as different types of sports supplements. All this demonstrates how the European market is betting on bringing healthier and more environmentally friendly products to its consumers.

We also found many companies related to the food industry, such as those dedicated to the production of food packaging or containers, which following the same line of production of environmentally friendly food, the European market has great advances and innovations in packaging, where its main objective is to replace plastic with biodegradable materials in its packaging and make these accessible to any brand that wants to implement them.

Pedro Pulido our R&D Manager, let us know that this visit has served to reinforce GSI Food’s vision of the future for the Latin American market, which is where we mainly operate and gives us the tools to find new ways to continue providing value,added to the services and products that we offer to our allies.