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GSI Food managed to market soy derivatives for the first time

GSI Food achieved a new achievement by marketing soy products, specifically soybean cake and soybean beans, which arrived in Venezuela from the United States on the MV Hope ship, as well as by marketing crude soybean oil, which serve as a primary raw material in the Animal Feed (ABA) industry.

The International Trade Manager, Andrea Guevara, said catering to animal feed companies was one of the key objectives of the year for them, materializing since the beginning of the year with the arrival of yellow corn and expanding with the management of these new item.

“Soybean cake is the first time that it is unloaded, and it is the first time that we unload a raw material that is not a grain, that is flour, and its unloading process is different from that of soybean oil.”, said Guevara, who also added that these three items are part of the raw material for the Animal Balanced Food that is used in the preparation of the recipe to make the food of pigs, cows, hens, among others.

In addition, Guevara said that with this achievement, the company once again made deals with more important companies in the country and with allies with whom they have previously had other types of relationships, thus achieving to further strengthen the alliance between both parties.

“It has been hard work with animal feed companies, because they are quite autonomous companies. However, we managed to give them tools and benefits that allowed us to join our allies in this new goal, which made us raise the level in the business model and also benefit other allies with lower capital who created their supply agenda to access competitive prices of raw materials that in the domestic market are much more expensive”, concluded the manager of the international trade area of GSI Food.