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GSI Food managed to market bulk product to Puerto Castilla-Honduras for the first time in 30 year

GSI Food continues to add successes to its record as a company and managed to market bulk to Puerto Castilla in Honduras for the first time, after 30 years, specifically, yellow corn from the United States.

The corn was transported by the vessel MV Hope with a total quantity of 32 thousand tons, between yellow and white corn, of which 1,241.6 MT were unloaded in Puerto Castilla and the rest continued to Venezuela. This Honduran port was used for years only for the import of 2 weekly containers of bananas. The bulk product, for its part, reaches the Central American country through Puerto Cortés.

For our allies, the operation managed by GSI Food allowed them to generate significant savings in domestic freight, which went from moving the product for 16 hours on the road, when Puerto Cortés is used, just 3 hours which is the time between Puerto Castilla and Tegucigalpa.

In this sense, GSI Food in the middle of COVID-19, managed to mobilize a hopper from the capital of the Honduran country to the port, an operation that lasted 4 days in total, but that was not an obstacle to this important achievement that many believed to be outlandish until the first tablespoon of discharge.

Finally, the achievement of this new feat achieved by the GSI Food family will allow it in the future to have a new strategic point for its commercialization, making it possible to transport larger ships that make a stop in Honduras, lighten the load and continue your journey to other destinations.