Impact of COVID – 19 on GSI-Food INC Operations.

First detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019, COVID-19 gradually escalated to a pandemic on March 11, 2020. Many economic and productive sectors have been affected by…

GSI Food Begins Yellow Corn Operations in Venezuela

GSI Food, within the framework of its strategic plan, started operations of yellow corn with the marketing of 3,555.54 tons that arrived successfully last March, to the state of Carabobo,…

GSI Food Establishes Commercial Alliance with Palitos

GSI Food, from February, began marketing Palitos in the Dominican Republic, a fun vanilla-flavored cookie covered with chocolate in the form of sticks. Palitos, is a cookie owned by the…

GSI Food begins commodities operations in Venezuela

The international company GSI Food, headquartered in Venezuela and the Dominican Republic, managed last June 9 to get to Puerto Cabello, Carabobo- Venezuela, the first ship of bulk product after…